Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Episode 7: Making a Great Retreat (Part Two)
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
In Episode 7, Ryan and Danny continue the discussion about the retreats and camps they have attended and led; the mistakes they have made, and the lessons they have learned in what makes a really great and engaging retreat experience for all involved.
Comment in with your favorite retreat experience, or ideas you have that we undoubtedly left out of this episode!
Please help support this channel and this growing community by liking, commenting, subscribing, hitting that BELL icon to stay up to date on all our upcoming videos, and most importantly...please share this video on your social if you got anything out of it. We appreciate it so much!!
Consider supporting us on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/twocatholicdudes
Find us on Social Media:
Instagram: @_TwoCatholicDudes
Twitter: @2CatholicDudes
Facebook: @TwoCatholicDudes
Or email us TwoCatholicDudes@gmail.com and let us know how we're doing, book us for an event, or ask us a question.
New episodes every Monday at 10am PST. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest episodes! Please like and comment how we're doing, and PLEASE share this podcast if you've gotten anything out of it. We want to help this community grow and thrive, but it's up to you!
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Episode 6: Making a Great Retreat (Part One)
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
In Episode 6, Ryan and Danny discuss the retreats and camps they have attended and led; the mistakes they have made, and the lessons they have learned in what makes a really great and engaging retreat experience for all involved.
Comment in with your favorite retreat experience, or ideas you have that we undoubtedly left out of this episode!
Please help support this channel and this growing community by liking, commenting, subscribing, hitting that BELL icon to stay up to date on all our upcoming videos, and most importantly...please share this video on your social if you got anything out of it. We appreciate it so much!!
Consider supporting us on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/twocatholicdudes
Find us on Social Media:
Instagram: @_TwoCatholicDudes
Twitter: @2CatholicDudes
Facebook: @TwoCatholicDudes
Or email us TwoCatholicDudes@gmail.com and let us know how we're doing, book us for an event, or ask us a question.
New episodes every Monday at 10am PST. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest episodes! Please like and comment how we're doing, and PLEASE share this podcast if you've gotten anything out of it. We want to help this community grow and thrive, but it's up to you!
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Episode 5: Friendship and Community
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
In Episode 5, Ryan and Danny discuss how your friend groups can direct you towards Christ, or turn you in the other direction, and how building a strong faith filled community can give you a firm foundation to stand on.
Tell us how the friends in your life have helped shape your faith!
Please help support this channel and this growing community by liking, commenting, subscribing, hitting that BELL icon to stay up to date on all our upcoming videos, and most importantly...please share this video on your social if you got anything out of it. We appreciate it so much!!
Consider supporting us on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/twocatholicdudes
Find us on Social Media:
Instagram: @_TwoCatholicDudes
Twitter: @2CatholicDudes
Facebook: @TwoCatholicDudes
Or email us TwoCatholicDudes@gmail.com and let us know how we're doing, book us for an event, or ask us a question.
New episodes every Monday at 10am PST. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest episodes! Please like and comment how we're doing, and PLEASE share this podcast if you've gotten anything out of it. We want to help this community grow and thrive, but it's up to you!
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Episode 4: Becoming a Young Adult (With Tyler Letson)
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
In Episode 4 of Two Catholic Dudes, Ryan and Danny bring in a real life young adult to discuss transitioning from being a youth to a young adult in the Catholic church. It's a pivotal time for most young people, so we break down what has worked for Tyler, and ways that the youth can stay grounded in their faith as they grow into adulthood.
Comment in with ideas on how you think we can keep the youth involved!
Please help support this channel and this growing community by liking, commenting, subscribing, hitting that BELL icon to stay up to date on all our upcoming videos, and most importantly...please share this video on your social if you got anything out of it. We appreciate it so much!!
Consider supporting us on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/twocatholicdudes
Find us on Social Media:
Instagram: @_TwoCatholicDudes
Twitter: @2CatholicDudes
Facebook: @TwoCatholicDudes
Or email us TwoCatholicDudes@gmail.com and let us know how we're doing, book us for an event, or ask us a question.
New episodes every Monday at 10am PST. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest episodes! Please like and comment how we're doing, and PLEASE share this podcast if you've gotten anything out of it. We want to help this community grow and thrive, but it's up to you!
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Episode 3: That Happened in Church?
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
In episode 3 of Two Catholic Dudes, we tell some of our favorite stories about the wacky, funny, crazy things that have happened in mass.
Comment in with your favorite funny story from mass!
New episodes every Monday at 10am PST. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest episodes! Please like and comment how we're doing, and PLEASE share this podcast if you've gotten anything out of it. We want to help this community grow and thrive, but it's up to you!
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Episode 2: Change and Growth
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Episode 2 of Two Catholic Dudes. We're back, as promised, and as we begin this journey, we're bound to make changes to constantly improve our podcast. Today we chat about changes in our lives that can help us become the versions of ourselves that God has planned for us.
New episodes every Monday at 10am PST. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest episodes! Please like and comment how we're doing, and PLEASE share this podcast if you've gotten anything out of it. We want to help this community grow and thrive, but it's up to you!
Thanks all!
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Episode 1: Social Media
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
In our first episode of Two Catholic Dudes, we break down social media as a Catholic in this secular society we live in. Get to know us as we begin this new Catholic podcast, and stay tuned every Monday at 10am PST for a new episode!